Day-to-Day PhD Survival
Making Email as Low Stress as I Can: 🧠 Brain STREAM 1️⃣9️⃣
Struggling with email imbalance? Here's 7 Principles I use to reduce stress in my inbox and beyond.
Managing time and tasks is always an uphill battle. Here's some ways to try to develop healthy habits to make the most of your time as a researcher and your own time.
Day-to-Day PhD Survival
Struggling with email imbalance? Here's 7 Principles I use to reduce stress in my inbox and beyond.
Don't stress about using every moment of time to get things done, but do use them when the rest of your time doesn't go to plan and recognise how much time they add up to.
Day-to-Day PhD Survival
I'm a firm believer in small daily habits compounding into greater things. By focusing on developing regular habits we can benefit from the influence of compounding, and reap the beneficial impacts on time in the longer run.
Task Management
A personal weekly review can be a very effective technique to focus on what is going well and to eliminate the things to help keep your focus.
Task Management
I've created a step-by-step guide to create a super easy and professional looking PhD timeline template. Or download my ready made templates.
Task Management
More often than not people take the all you can eat buffet approach to planning out their research. Read on to find out a healthier approach.
Task Management
In this epic second part I share how to go about setting goals that mean something to you and the people around you.
Task Management
In this post, I have outlined my overall PhD goal, my sub-goals and how these might map onto a monthly task list. I hope this example will help you in designing your own series of PhD goals.
Being a PhD Parent
There's no secret to managing a PhD and all the chaos that being a parent also brings. In this post I share some of my own coping strategies.