The Lessons Learned Register - 🧠 Brain STREAM 21 Discover the unique benefits of having a 'Lessons Learned Register' for use throughout your research.
Making Email as Low Stress as I Can: 🧠 Brain STREAM 1️⃣9️⃣ Struggling with email imbalance? Here's 7 Principles I use to reduce stress in my inbox and beyond.
Tame Your Note-Taking System In Obsidian by Building It Around Questions A lot of information comes at you very quickly when doing research. Make sure your note-taking keeps focus by having a defining set of questions by which to filter information by.
Why I'm Switching From Obsidian to Capacities Obsidian is a great software but I increasingly find myself drawn to Capacities. In this article I detail the reasons why.
I Had a Brief Fling With Capacities - Sorry Obsidian Could I be tempted by Capacities? Not at the moment, but it's a close call...
Using Capacities in my PhD - How to Streamline Literature Reviews Literature reviews for PhDs and research papers can seem daunting but here I share a quick and easy method to doing one using the abilities of the notetaking app Capacities.
How Creating a System Revolutionised Writing My PhD Find out how I finally got organised in my PhD files and folders and how this helped me to get more PhD writing done.